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10 Takeaways from the 2022 Church Survey

In June and July of 2022, Burke Community Church conducted an extensive church-wide survey. The goal of the survey was to determine who the church naturally attracts, what attracts them to the church, how they connect and grow, and where they are in their journey of faith. The response rate was incredible, with 761 individuals completing the survey. While this number largely represents individuals who currently attend the church, it also includes past attenders, large event attenders, and individuals from our community. We obtained baseline demographic data, but focused on data points pertaining to spiritual growth.

Here are 10 takeaways from the 2022 church survey:

1. You aren’t just here for content

When asked, “what are your top reasons for attending Burke Community Church?”, the #1 answer was Dr. Marty Baker’s preaching (47%). This came as no surprise as many appreciate his in-depth, Bible centered teaching. We were encouraged to see the next top three responses:

  • The personal connections I’ve made in the church (32%)
  • The community and culture of Burke Community Church (28%)
  • I align with the mission and vision of the church (27%)

Collectively, you place a high value on your relationship with the people and purposes of Burke Community Church. Some other common answers were the worship music (17%), Life Groups (15%), Kids Ministry (15%), Bible Studies (15%), and Student Ministries (13%).

Note: As you would expect, Kids and Student Ministries rank much higher when you consider how parents responded. (31% and 24% respectively)

2. Families are here

52% of the individuals who responded have children living at home.

For those with children in Kids Ministry, 98% of parents feel welcomed by Kids Ministry and 97% see evidence of their children learning about Christ. For those with children in Student Ministries, 88% say the ministry is addressing the issue their children face and 91% say their children feel connected and supported. Of High School students who took the survey, 90% feel welcomed, connected, and supported.

3. Outside of Sunday morning services, serving and leading is the main way we connect and grow

When asked, “Where do you connect and grow at Burke Community Church?”, the most common answer was Sunday morning services (46%). The second most common answer, with 25% of survey takers responding, was serving/leading at Burke Community Church. Along with showing up on Sundays, many are stepping up and taking advantage of the many opportunities to serve at Burke Community Church. Not only do we see the difference it makes in the church, you are reporting that it makes a difference in you!

Other common answers for how we connect and grow were programs and special events, Life Groups, and Women’s Ministry.

We also learned there is room to see increased connection. Only 51% of responders “strongly agree” that they are connected at this church. Similarly, only 48% of responders “strongly agree” that they make it a priority to stay connected with what is happening at the church. We don’t currently have insight into the reasons for this. It may very well be something for us to explore more deeply in the future.

4. Giving matters to you

One of the most positive responses was in regards to giving. 84% “strongly agree” that it is important to give to the church! No wonder Burke Community Church has a rich history of generosity, growth, and seeing God provide in incredible ways.

5. Satisfaction is high in your personal and spiritual lives

72% rate their experiencing joy and satisfaction in their personal life AND in their relationship with Christ an 8 or higher on a scale of 1 to 10. This is a very healthy percentage of satisfied individuals, and you can see this satisfaction radiate from the people in our church.

At the same time, many of us are hurting. 8% of respondents rated their personal and/or spiritual satisfaction a 5 or lower.

While we offer many great resources to help people and numerous individuals are taking advantage of the services provided by our Care and Counseling Center, there is an opportunity for all of us to be the hands and feet of Jesus and care for the hurting around us. As we do so, more and more people will agree that, “Burke Community Church cares for me.” (strongly agree – 64%, slightly agree – 29%, slightly disagree – 4%, strongly disagree – 3%)

6. We see Burke Community Church as a place for non and new Christians

77% “strongly agree” that they would invite a growing or new Christian to Burke Community Church. 70% “strongly agree” that they would invite a non-Christian. Along with seeing the church as a valuable place for individuals, 93% agree that the church is a valuable resource to the community and believe that our reputation in the community is strong.

7. We invite others

One of the most staggering realizations from the survey is that 27% of respondents are new to the church in the last 2 years. That’s amazing!

While the survey did not touch on all of the reasons new attenders are coming to the church (relocation to the area, ministering during COVID, the online service, normal church growth, and other factors apply), we did learn that 58% of new attenders primarily came because of a personal invitation or recommendation.

What does this mean? You guys are excited about what God is doing here at Burke Community Church and want others to be a part of it. Way to go reaching out and inviting others!

8. Our church mostly reaches seasoned Christians

Based on your responses, 66% of the church have a mature model of faith as determined by a composite score on items of Biblical engagement, discipleship, and relationship to the church. 86% are comfortable applying God’s Word to their life and/or explaining it to others. Roughly half identified as “others focused” in their Christian life: 49% identified with church through serving, leading, and/or making the church a better place for others and 58% identified spiritual growth with serving, impacting, helping, and developing others. We are blessed and strengthened by the maturity of individuals in the church.

At the same time, a staggering 99.7% of the people who took the survey are Christian. Not only that, but 91.8% of those who took the survey have been a Christian for more than 10 years. Why is this staggering? Our strong agreement that Burke Community Church is a place we would invite non or new Christians doesn’t seem to be translating to that actually happening to a notable degree.

We want to be a church that is knowing Christ and making Him known. Just as we do this effectively in the latter stages of Christian discipleship, we would like to become more effective in the early stages of Christian discipleship. When we do this effectively we will see more non-Christians in the church, getting to know and drawing near to Jesus, and becoming new Christians.

9. Next steps are forming

Recently, the elders of our church got away for a weekend to look at the 2022 Church Survey results and pray over next steps for Burke Community Church. In looking to the future, three themes emerged:

We are excited for all God has in store in the months and years to come as we continue towards our mission of knowing Jesus Christ and making Him known.

10. We have a lot to thank Jesus for

One big takeaway we have from the survey is how thankful we are to Jesus for the people who make up this church. Each of you, in your own unique way, contribute to Burke Community Church being what it is and will continue to contribute to what this church is becoming. God has gifted you, equipped you, and is making you more and more the person He created you to be.

As you rely on the Holy Spirit and follow His lead, there is no limit to what God will continue to do in and through you. We can’t what to see the difference Jesus continues to make in your life and in the many people that will come to know Him through the men, women, sons, and daughters of Burke Community Church.

In Christ,

Pastor Greg Triplett

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus.   

Philippians 1:3-6 (NASB)