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Eastern Cape Province,
South Africa

Learn how 25:40 helped Nqabakazi through their aftercare program.

25:40 is a non-profit organization dedicated to giving at-risk children in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province a fighting chance to survive the devastating impacts of poverty, disease and violence.

Founded by Alec & Amy Zacaroli (yes, that’s our Missions Pastor and Counseling Intern) in 2003, 25:40 channels the attention and resources of those blessed with much toward saving children in South Africa by creating a community of people empowered with purpose, healing and hope. Through their preschool, aftercare, and specialized home visits, they work to identify and meet the needs of orphans, vulnerable children, and their caregivers.

“And the King shall reply, ‘Whatever you do for the least of these brothers of mine, you do for me.'” Matthew 25:40