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From Jobs to Jesus...

The Employment Ministry of  Burke Community Church is focused on bringing the hope of Jesus to our local community through job assistance. Through this ministry, we are working with our partners to help the underserved in our community find employment. We do this by empowering individuals through a variety of job-related services, such as counseling, training and placement. 

Are you a business owner willing to partner with us to hire individuals who have gone through our Employment Ministry?

The program coordinator works closely with our local partner organizations to facilitate providing employment services to their clients. Duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Liaising with the leadership of our partner organizations to: 
    • Connect employment needs with Burke Community Church resources
    • Design and development ministry specific programs
  • Providing consistent direction and information to Partners, Caseworkers, Employment Ministry Team and Caseworker Coordinator
  • Assisting with the completion of Employment Ministry applications

Caseworkers provide direct assistance to clients as the walk through the employment ministry process. The caseworker duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Job searches and application assistance
  • Resume and cover letter development 
  • Interview preparation
  • Identifying needed training and available resources
  • Post employment follow up
  • Assistance with resolving workplace issues

Ready to take the next step?

For more information on this ministry or the current opportunities for engagement, please contact: Deb Armstrong-Cezar at [email protected]