Welcome to Main Street!
We partner with parents as they raise their kids to know Christ and make Him known.

We have engaging classes designed for kids (birth through 4th grade) at both the 9am and 10:45am services. We look forward to meeting your family and welcoming your kids!
On Main Street our goal is to W.A.L.K. alongside kids and their families by:
- Welcoming Kids Into Community: We understand that kids who feel a part of the larger church family are more likely to continue to engage and grow. With this in mind we welcome kids and work to create lasting connection. We also provide outreach events and encourage kids to invite their friends, who may or may not have been to church before.
- Aiming to Disciple Through Relationships: We create opportunities to build positive relationships. Leaders work to build trust in order to more effectively disciple kids and walk along side of them as they explore and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Leading and Equipping Parents: We are committed to providing materials and training that prepare parents and leaders to more confidently walk along side of kids and help them grow in Jesus.
- Kindling a Love For God and His Word: We are intentional about reaching kids at their maturity level. We teach the Bible and bring it to life with creativity and fun. We read it, point to it, quote it, memorize it, apply it, meditate on it, and encourage kids to obey it.
You will want to arrive Sunday morning about 10 minutes before the service starts and head to Kids Check-In in the North Lobby (click here for campus map). If it is your first time, head to the Kids Ministry counter and an assistant will check your children in for the day. If you are returning, you may go to one of the computer check in stations, and check in your kids for the morning. Once checked in, name tags will print. One to put on each of your children, and one that you will use to pick them up.
We look forward to meeting you and your kids in person and helping you out any way we can.
Special Needs Ministry provides one-on-one buddies to support kids with special needs during our Sunday morning programming as well as a sensory room for those who need a quiet space. With our Special Needs Ministry we seek to know your family and create the best environment for your child’s specific needs. You can learn more about this ministry on our Special Needs & Disability page. To connect with this ministry contact our Special Needs Coordinator, Kristen Mizell, at: [email protected]
What curriculum do you use?
On Main Street we use Simply Loved. Their solid Biblical teaching is met with fun activities, great video content, and memorable takeaways for your kids!
When do kids move up to a new class?
We promote infants through two-year-olds throughout the year based on their personal developmental growth. Preschool and Elementary kids promote in August in preparation for the new school year.
Can you accommodate my unique situation?
If you have a unique situation regarding a special medical condition, custodial issue, or behavioral concern, we want to come alongside you so we can better support you on a Sunday morning. To discuss this beforehand, please contact our Director of Kids Ministry, Lydia Van Zandt. Rest assured our staff and volunteers will do their best to care for your family and do that with great discretion.
How do you keep my child safe & secure?
Families are given a child’s nametag and a matching parent tag when arriving. At the end of class, a security check-out is performed by comparing parent tags against child tags before releasing a child. We also follow strict guidelines for bathroom and diapering procedures. For a full list of the safety measures in place read our General Practices.
What is your volunteer safety protocol?
All Main Street Volunteers, teen and adults, go through a complete application process before serving in our classrooms. Adults have a thorough background check completed and participate in Sexual Abuse Awareness Training. All volunteers review and agree to abide by our General Practices. At least two volunteers must be present in a classroom at all times. Families may serve together as long as there is one non-family member present on each volunteer team.

Simply Loved

Parent Support Groups

Special Needs & Disability

VBS Summer 2025 | June 23-27

Kids & Parents Resource Page

Join The Team

Fall Festival | November 2nd, 2024
We consider it a privilege to walk you through these important faith milestones.
Child Dedication
Salvation & Baptism
Spotlighting God's Word
Upcoming Events
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