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1 Samuel 13:15-14:15

When we ignore God’s directives and operate out of our own prerogatives, we can expect a righteous reorientation. Saul experienced this in 1 Samuel chapter 13. Join us and learn how God handled Saul’s insubordination and the role the prophet Samuel played in setting him straight. Sinn always has negative consequences because it affronts a […]

1 Sameul 13:1-15

When we ignore God’s directives and operate out of our own prerogatives, we can expect a righteous reorientation. Saul experienced this in 1 Samuel chapter 13. Join us and learn how God handled Saul’s insubordination and the role the prophet Samuel played in setting him straight.

1 Samuel 12

How do you manage transitions? There is a lot of change in our world and in our personal lives, but what can be said about us in these times of transition. Join Dr. Marty Baker as we take a walk through 1 Samuel 12 and Samuels transition from leadership. From the freedom from Egyptian bondage […]

1 Samuel 11 is something that God can give you when you’re called to take on the challenges in front of you. Join Dr. Marty Baker in 1 Samuel 11 as we look at the story of Saul, how God moved in and through him as a leader, and discuss how God can move in you today. […]

1 Samuel 10:17-27

Do you find comfort in knowing that God won’t be thwarted? The Devil’s schemes, rebellion, flawed people…none of these derail God’s kingdom plans. Join Dr. Marty Baker as he takes us through 1 Samuel 10:17-27 and we see this truth played out through the life of Samuel, Saul, and the people of Israel. At the […]

1 Samuel 10:1-16

God has plans to lead you on straight paths in this new year. Will you trust in Him? Join Dr. Marty Baker as he takes us to 1 Samuel 10 to see the ways that God was working through a broken man like Saul to show him the divine way forward as king. From the […]

1 Samuel 9

In this service: An introduction to our Employment Ministry (28:00) and a special message from Supervisor Pat Herrity (32:00). Ever struggle to see God’s hand in day to day life? Walk through 1 Samuel 9 with us and catch a glimpse of how God silently works through the mundane events of your life to do […]

1 Samuel 8

Rebellion against the Lord is costly. Each day we are given the choice to swim upstream or downstream in His river of blessing. Join Dr. Marty Baker as he takes us through 1 Samuel 8 and gives us a snapshot of the joy that comes when we stop running from the Lord and instead turn […]

1 Samuel 7

At their core, the many problems we see in the world are spiritual in nature. Revival and renewal can begin when God’s people repent, turn, and allow themselves to be used for God’s purposes. Join Dr. Marty Baker in 1 Samuel 7 as we take a look at how God used Samuel to bring about […]

1 Samuel 6

What does it mean to respect a holy God? How does God respond to disrespect? Join Dr. Marty Baker in 1 Samuel 6 as we take a look at God’s interactions with the Philistines and their handling of the Ark of the Covenant. When you enter a special place, it is customary to expect certain […]

1 Samuel 5

Will the real God please stand up? Objects of adoration and worship are varied, but amidst idolatry the One True God stands out against the background. Join Dr. Marty Baker as he walks us through the series, yet humorous account of 1 Samuel chapter 5. Concerning whether Einstein possessed faith in God, James Randerson writes: […]

1 Samuel 4

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve sinned and expected God’s blessing on your actions? Have you ever faced a challenging period in your life and wondered where God’s favor and power for living victoriously went? Join Dr. Marty Baker as he walks us through 1 Samuel 4:1-22 and encourages us to remember […]