Jonah – Introduction
Jonah is a timeless story enjoyed by adults and children alike, but peeling back the layers we find a deeper complexity of tension, historical context, and redemptive narrative. Join Dr. […]
Test For The Truth, Hold To The Holy
In a world where so many things are fighting for our time and attention, how do we hold onto that which is truly good? Join Dr. Marty Baker for our […]
Remembering God’s Love
How do you remember God’s love for you in everyday life? Join Pastor Michael Coffey as he reminds us of the security we have in the love of Christ.
Dealing With the Devious – Part 1
What does the hope of Jesus Christ look like in the face of suffering and opposition? Join Dr. Marty Baker as he takes our Hope Beyond Hardship series into 1 […]
3 John
Join us as we wrap up our 1, 2, 3 John series with Dr. Marty Baker’s sermon from 3 John. Are you sold out to your football team? I mean, […]
2 John
Join Dr. Marty Baker as he takes us through the book of 2 John. Having a beautiful yard involves numerous concepts you must frequently attend to. This is at the […]
The Focus of the Faithful
What does it look like for the Christian to remain steadfast in the truth? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we dive into 2 Timothy 4:1-5, take a look at the […]
Bold Belief Constantly Searches for Truth
What is truth? Join Dr. Marty Baker as he takes us through 1 John 4:1-6 and helps us understand how bold belief constantly searches to get at the heart of […]
Dealing With Deceivers
Deception can pop up in our world, including in the church. How do we deal with deceivers? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we take a look at 1 John 2:19-24. […]
1 John 1:1-4 | The Facts of Fellowship
Join Dr. Marty Baker as we dive into the first four verses of First John to explore The Facts of Fellowship and how the truth of Jesus impacts our human […]
Psalm 139
Writing to Christians experiencing the leading edge of Neronian persecution, Peter, who likened the city of Rome to the wicked city of Babylon (1 Pet. 5:13), reminded believers how a […]