Going Beyond Our Walls
The core calling of Outward Ministries is simple: we make Jesus known. He told us to go and make disciples of all nations, so that is what we’re about. How? By sharing the gospel in both word and deed according to the model He gave in Acts 1:8. We make Him known in our community, in our nation, and even in the parts of the earth most remote from us.

Go Local
Outward Ministries provides plenty of opportunities to serve our local community. We are proud to partner with organizations serving the various needs of individuals and to bring the love of Christ to others in words and action. Click to learn more about the local organizations we partner with.

Go Global
Our heart is not only that all people in every corner of the globe would have the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ, but that we would also be able to step outside of our culture and learn from that ways that God is working all around the world. Click to learn more about our worldwide partnerships.

Employment Ministry
The Employment Ministry of Burke Community Church is focused on bringing the hope of Jesus to our local community through job assistance. If you are a business owner that would like to partner with us or have interest in volunteering with this ministry, please reach out to connect with us!

Short-Term Mission Opportunities

2025 GO Conference | May 16th & 17th
Upcoming Events
Short-Term Mission Trips
Our Outward Ministries Team

Caroline Carroll
Caroline Carroll is the Community Outreach Assistant at Burke Community Church. Caroline joins BCC’s Outward Ministries Team excited to support our growing outreach programs. She is passionate about being part of a team that helps bring “…a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11) to those who may have lost sight of what that means. Caroline has a BA in English and enjoys music, reading, writing, being outdoors and spending time with her husband, their three sons, and three dogs.

Alec Zacaroli
Alec has a passion for the lost and disenfranchised in our world. Prior to becoming a pastor, Alec practiced law for 20 years and worked as a reporter prior to that. In 2003, he and his wife Amy founded 25:40, a ministry for risk-children in rural South Africa, where he lived as a child. Alec received a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, a JD from the American University, and a BA from the George Washington University. He and Amy have four amazing children, Nick, Sophie, Hannah and Rebecca.

Debra Armstrong-Cezar
Debra Armstrong-Cezar has been a part of the Burke Community Church community for over ten years. She has a Bachelor’s in Criminal Psychology and a minor in Christian Counseling. Debra brings a passion for helping those in need and providing services that will help people come out of homelessness and learn life skills to break the cycle of poverty. Married with two children, she enjoys gardening and crafting projects.

Caroline Carroll
Caroline Carroll is the Community Outreach Assistant at Burke Community Church. Caroline joins BCC’s Outward Ministries Team excited to support our growing outreach programs. She is passionate about being part of a team that helps bring “…a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11) to those who may have lost sight of what that means. Caroline has a BA in English and enjoys music, reading, writing, being outdoors and spending time with her husband, their three sons, and three dogs.

Alec Zacaroli
Alec has a passion for the lost and disenfranchised in our world. Prior to becoming a pastor, Alec practiced law for 20 years and worked as a reporter prior to that. In 2003, he and his wife Amy founded 25:40, a ministry for risk-children in rural South Africa, where he lived as a child. Alec received a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, a JD from the American University, and a BA from the George Washington University. He and Amy have four amazing children, Nick, Sophie, Hannah and Rebecca.
Outward Ministries Blog

Having Revolutionary Hope

A Soothing Aroma To The Lord

Hearing and Following God