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Kids: 5th & 6th Grade Friday Leader

Greet and hang out with 5th & 6th grade churched and unchurched students. Help to run games and activities. Encourage student participation. Lead a discussion group after the lesson is presented by the youth pastor. Join our team if you have a desire to disciple the next generation, the ability to engage students in conversation and a heart to walk alongside teens as they grow in their faith! Volunteers will serve monthly on Friday nights. Requirements include:

  1. Application
  2. Background check
  3. Online Sexual Abuse Awareness Training

Sign up below...

Friday Ignite Leader - Teen#1: Nina S.

Kids Ministry Contact Info

Lydia Van Zandt, Director of Kids Ministry 

Chara Heinrich, Kids Ministry Assistant

Jen Nauman, Early Childhood Coordinator

Becky Warf, Elementary Ministry Coordinator 

Amy Gilmore, Childcare Coordinator