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Students: High School Life Group Leader (Wednesday)

If you have the desire to disciple the next generation, the ability to engage students in conversation, and a heart to walk alongside teens as they grow in their faith, we invite you to join our team! Life Group Leaders serve every Wednesday during the school year at The Mix from 6:30-9:00pm. Life groups are the core of our ministry where students discuss and apply the youth pastor’s message, share the highs and lows of their week, and pray for each other. Life Group Leaders foster community in these small groups that are organized by grade and gender. Adults who love to listen, draw others out, and ask good questions will excel in this role. As a leader, you will facilitate group discussions, model Christ, and mentor students as they pursue their relationships with God and others. Discussion prompts are provided, so no preparation is needed other than praying regularly for your students and sending periodic group emails to students/parents. Requirements include:

  1. Application
  2. Background Check
  3. Online Sexual Abuse Awareness Training
  4. Interview with Student Ministry Staff

Sign up below...

Wednesday Life Group Leader - Female
Wednesday Life Group Leader - Male#1: Nathaniel T.

Connect With Student Ministries

Kim Grindle, Director of Student Ministries

Jeremy Wittig, Director of High School

Matt Rampey, Middle School & College Pastor